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How to use error handling techniques to manage potential issues during data transformations?

Power Query offers a robust set of error handling techniques to manage issues during data transformations. Here's a breakdown of the key methods:

1. Try...Otherwise:

This is the most common approach for handling potential errors.

* Structure: The `try` clause contains the expression you want to evaluate. The `otherwise` clause defines what happens if the `try` clause encounters an error.
* Example:

// Assuming a column "Sales" might have text values
Value.Convert([Sales], Type.Number)
0 // Replace with error value (e.g., blank or specific text)

2. HasError and Value Functions:

These functions provide more granular control over error handling.

* HasError([Column]): Returns TRUE if any value in the column has an error, FALSE otherwise.
* Value([Column]): Returns the actual values from the column, excluding rows with errors (which become null).
* Example:

// Create new columns to isolate errors and clean data
HasErrors = HasError([Sales])
CleanSales = Value([Sales])

3. Custom Error Handling with Error.Record:

This allows you to define custom error messages for specific scenarios.

* Error.Record(Reason, Message, [Optional Details]): Creates a record containing details about the error.
* Example:

Value.Convert([Sales], Type.Number)
Error.Record("DataTypeError", "Sales column contains non-numeric values")

4. Try with Lambda Functions (For Power Query May 2022+):

This method offers a concise way to handle errors.

* Structure: Similar to `try...otherwise`, but uses a lambda function for the `otherwise` clause.
* Example:

try Value.Convert([Sales], Type.Number) catch () => 0

Choosing the Right Technique:

* For simple error replacement, `try...otherwise` is sufficient.
* For identifying and isolating errors, use `HasError` and `Value`.
* For complex error messages, use `Error.Record`.
* For a concise approach (May 2022+), consider lambda functions with `try...catch`.

By effectively using these error handling techniques, you can build more robust Power Query queries that can handle unexpected data issues and ensure a smoother data transformation process.

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